Thursday, December 5, 2019


The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Please consider adding additional information to really make this answer great. Mathias Andersen Mathias Andersen 36 3 3 bronze badges. Improving the question-asking experience. I want to convert some single page postscript files to eps. The script especially targets Windows PostScript files which are generated by printing PowerPoint documents through the Windows PostScript printer driver. This command will check if there is an update waiting on ps2eps. ps2eps linux

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You may also do the same thing for ps2epsfiles. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: I don;t think ps2eps uses the ps2write device I'm not certain it even uses Ghostscript and so that switch will have no effect. Post as a guest Name. Sign up using Email and Password.

ps2epsfiles (was called pptps2epsfiles)

First, you should rename ps2eps to ps2eps. Brought to you by Contrado Digital. Pse2ps from " https: It calculates correct Bounding Boxes for those EPS files and filters some special postscript command sequences that can produce erroneous results on printers. It is better to use ghostscript version 7. What does grep Orientation tmp.

Ps2eps linux

Another convenient way to install it is utilising perlexec. The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page.

ps2eps linux

Improving the question-asking experience. So why does it change orientation and how can I prevent it? Views Read View form View source View history. For example, if you print the following ps2eeps through a PostScript printer driver.

Also looking at the linix with '-R' under 'ps2eps --help' shows many options to rotate your generated eps file. This command will show you the dependencies for ps2eps. Asked 6 ,inux, 6 months ago.

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. How to prevent ps2eps from rotating pages Ask Question. How would you use it?

The script especially targets Windows PostScript files which are generated by printing PowerPoint documents through the Windows PostScript printer driver. Many thanks to him: Please consider adding additional information to really make this answer great. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove ps2eps, so you have to manually confirm that you want to do this.

ps2eps linux

In order to install ps2eps on Linux, etc. While lihux might be a good solution for preventing the orientation change, this would be a great answer if it also explained to the asker why the change occurs. The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom — learn about our history and work.

ps2eps(1) - Linux man page

Mathias Andersen Mathias Andersen ,inux 3 3 bronze badges. Therefore ps2eps uses a resolution of DPI to get the correct bounding box. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in.

I've removed a variant of ps2eps which are provided here for supporting the ghostscript bbox device, because the original auther Dr.

ps2eps linux

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